High-Potentials Coaching
For "rising stars" who achieve superior performance in various settings, and are being groomed to advance and ensure the organization's future success, often as part talent reviews, succession planning and leadership development programs.
High-potentials typically have the potential, ability and aspiration for successive leadership within a company, but often receive piecemeal help or generic programs rather than the custom coaching and leadership development they require. Our coaching helps these high-potentials and emerging leaders to 1) discover their potential to advance and address long-term development needs; 2) learn and grow more quickly by boosting their capacity to learn how to learn (aka “learning agility”); 3) master new expertise (with the challenges of letting go and adding on); and 4) deliver strong results credibly in a variety of circumstances. This coaching may also help leaders and their organizations to clarify the skills, abilities and perspectives needed for success in a future executive job or leadership role.