Success Stories
Together we reach your goals. We love helping successful leaders learn and grow. Here are some representative success stories about their results.
C-Suite Coaching for CEO of strategic business unit at “Big Four” firm.
Coaching Agenda: Newly appointed by his firm’s Board of Directors, this CEO was surprised at how much time and skill was required of him to address relationship and people issues with a direct impact on the overall success of the business. With 360° feedback and coaching, he received actionable data on his leadership style and opportunities for development and began a behavioral change process which earned the admiration of fellow partners as “most improved.” With further help from his coach he went on to resolve conflict and difficult people issues, like key partners who were not talking with each other.
Results: Client led his business unit to unprecedented organic growth through over 5 years at which time he identified the potential to purchase another $1 billion practice that was consummated soon thereafter. Client then leveraged leadership transition coaching to successfully onboard key people after this major acquisition with no significant drop in productivity.

Clients regularly recommend Robert and rate his executive coaching effectiveness 5 stars, the highest possible rating. Here are some representative testimonials.

Chief Human Resources Officer, federal agency
"Looking ahead, you've been a real role model for me. as a reference and a resource."
Managing Executive, Investments EVP, Fortune 500 financial services firm
"It has been a pleasure to work with you. Very helpful. Thank you."
Senior Vice President & Business Transformation Executive
“Looking back, we set some ambitious goals (in listening, leadership, and framing & development) and we beat them, so I feel our work together is paying off and set me up for success in my new role."