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Assessment & Feedback Coaching

For leaders at all levels, to help them interpret and act on feedback from 360° leadership surveys, personality assessments, and stakeholder interviews with selected work colleagues.  Assessment and actionable feedback informs all our work and is an ideal starting point for any leader to speedily learn about their strengths, limitations and areas for improvement, working with a seasoned coach who can facilitate your feedback and coaching.

Key benefits:

  • Enhance understanding of your strengths and limitations and how these compare to other leaders.

  • Apply your results to leading, teaming, change, and career advancement.

  • Develop a clear action plan to translate your insights and priorities into concrete next steps.

  • Leverage your assessment results to develop your leadership and manage your derailment risks.

By contrast, leaders who lack this awareness tend to:

  • Miss feedback messages (blind spots)

  • Ignore feedback they do receive (denial)

  • Are slow to change over time (obsolete)

  • Too-out or derail (fail).

Clients frequently describe their feedback as “candid,” “refreshing,” “actionable,” and “credible.” Leaders appreciate an accurate picture of their strengths and limitations, as well as longer-term leadership potential. Leaders also like how their robust assessments help to predict workplace performance and compare their strengths and weaknesses to relevant norm groups. Depending on client need, these assessments can be the basis for establishing longer term coaching relationships.

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